Hearing loss is due to an issue in one or more parts of the ear or auditory system. Today, the hearing impaired do not need to resign themselves to a life of not hearing sounds – advancements in hearing aids continue to be made, and the latest models are customizable and discreet. Hearing loss is…
Hearing aids near me
How Can an ENT Specialist Correct My Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is one of the most distressing things that can happen to a person. There are over 100 possible causes of hearing loss. These include aging, infections, disease, and regular exposure to loud sounds. If you’ve recently noticed a decline in your ability to perceive sound, you will benefit from the expertise of an…
Which Hearing Aid is Right for Me?
Loss of hearing can have a detrimental effect on your quality of life, so if you think you are experiencing it, you should get yourself checked out by an ears, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor right away. ENT doctors, like Dr. Scott W. Franklin of Georgetown ENT, can help you by performing hearing and balance tests…
6 Benefits of Having Hearing Aids
As you get older, you may lose some of your hearing. Sudden or continuous exposure to loud sounds, aging, and genetic disposition to hearing loss all contribute to the condition. Other factors such as infection, head trauma, or certain medications might also reduce your ability to hear. Fortunately, hearing aids can help restore your hearing….