An adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids, which are small masses of lymphatic tissue in the back of the throat area. When they become swollen or inflamed, they can block passageways that serve the ears and nose, making it difficult to breathe, sleep, and hear. Removing the adenoids is similar to removing the…
What Are the Symptoms of Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss can affect many people, both children, and adults. It tends to develop gradually, so it is not always obvious to the person with hearing loss. Since hearing is so important in interacting with your surroundings, hearing loss should be addressed as soon as it is noticed. Even total deafness can be treated successfully…
Is Hearing Loss Preventable?
Exposure to the loud noise of fireworks, gunshots, motorcycles, lawnmowers, mechanical machinery, and blaring music can all contribute to hearing loss – so this can indeed be prevented by wearing effective protection over your ears. Hearing loss that is inborn, or that is due to age-related changes to the inner structures of the ear, is…
Hearing Loss Facts that Are Almost Too Hard to Believe
Which Adenoidectomy Surgery is Right for Me?
Does Your Child Have Sleep Apnea?
Sleep disorders are more common in children than most people think. Pediatric sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a child’s breathing to be partially or completely blocked repeatedly during sleep. Further investigation by a doctor is highly recommended if you think your child has this condition. Pediatric sleep apnea is a condition that,…
Should I Bring My Child to a Pediatric Sleep Apnea Doctor?
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is characterized by loud snoring and pauses in breathing during sleep. It can affect both adults and children. This condition warrants medical treatment, as it disrupts sleep and therefore can negatively impact productivity and alertness during the daytime. Children need to be able to focus in order to…
Ear Infections: Do’s and Don’ts
Ear infections are one of the most common reasons why children see ENT doctors every year. While adults can develop ear infections, too, they are the cause of many sleepless nights and lost school days for kids. Let’s explore reasons why ear infections develop and the do’s and don’ts of preventing and treating them. …
What are some of the symptoms of vertigo?
Vertigo is a condition that causes dizziness and balance problems in adults and is usually caused by problems with the inner structures of the ear. The brainstem, cerebellum, and vestibular nerve all make up a region of the brain responsible for sensory perception, balance, and coordination. Problems with balance are a safety risk. It can…
Tonsillectomy Surgery Vs. Adenoidectomy Surgery
Tonsils and adenoids are small structures important to the body’s immune system, particularly in children. However, sometimes, children and adults can experience tonsil and adenoid problems and require treatment from an ENT doctor. The most common procedure done to treat tonsil problems is called a tonsillectomy. The most common procedure done to treat adenoid problems…